
& workshops

“The collective power of the stories and images is incredibly moving…it made me feel less alone.”

“Really therapeutic, meditative workshop in a wonderful exhibition.

Sitting and sharing stories felt very special”

We have a portable exhibition of 37 portraits available for hire, either as a complete set or in part. We’re currently unfunded, so we just ask for a donation to help us keep the project running.

We can also facilitate a wide range of creative workshops for groups of all sizes led by people with lived experience of close bereavement, or speak at your conference, webinar or podcast. Everything we do is underpinned by two core beliefs - that creativity is powerful, and that creativity is for everyone. With this in mind, we strive to work as inclusively as we can, with as much co-creation and as few barriers to participation as we can possibly manage.

We’ve previously collaborated with Leeds Playhouse and Victoria Gate as part of Leeds International Festival of Ideas (LIFI), NHS Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention and Bereavement Support, Shining a Light on Suicide and the LS14 Trust. We’re passionate about getting Projecting Grief out into communities and giving people a safe space to explore stories of grief and creativity - if you think we could support you or your organisation, we’d love to hear your ideas.

To find out more, email projectinggrief@gmail.com.

Everything we do is underpinned by two core beliefs - that creativity is powerful, and that creativity is for everyone.